29 Jun Supporting and Celebrating Independence
As our country prepares to celebrate our Day of Independence on July 4th, we think of BBQ’s and fireworks yet, for us at RiverSpring Health Plans, it brings to mind the many members we work with every day in the community who strive for a sense of independence and freedom in their daily lives.
Our mission of care is grounded in this sense of independence, and our dedicated team develops creative solutions and services to keep over 15,000 older New Yorkers living safely in their own communities.
One of our Brooklyn members, Ms. H., was confined to her home for many years due to her physical and financial limitations. She was only 54 years old when she joined RiverSpring Health Plans, yet she had great difficulty walking and could not readily leave her home due to a daunting staircase. The rehabilitation staff at RiverSpring assessed Ms. H. and immediately recommended a power mobility device for her so she could experience the freedom of movement and access all the goods and services her neighborhood had to offer. No person or organization had ever offered her this before. Today, Ms. H. can often be found out and about – attending doctor’s appointments, shopping, and meeting up with friends. Independence in the truest sense of the word.
As we celebrate our great nation this July 4th, let us also recognize the importance of our individual independence – especially as we age – and support and celebrate all the wonder that it provides.
Joanne Orlando
Vice President, Rehabilitation Services
RiverSpring Health Plans